
Prof. Hollander shares how basketball can save the world

On a mission to get the word out about How Basketball Can Save the World, NYU Professor David Hollander came to BBA on Wednesday to share his ideas on how the principles that make basketball a great game can be applied to make positive change.
On a mission to get the word out about How Basketball Can Save the World, NYU Professor David Hollander came to BBA on Wednesday to share his ideas on how the principles that make basketball a great game can be applied to make positive change.

Professor Hollander spoke to multiple groups at Burr and Burton, including faculty, student athletes, Humanities students and others over the course of several sessions throughout the day. In each session, Hollander enthusiastically explained and referenced his 13 Guiding Principles for Reimaging What’s Possible

1. Cooperation
2. Balance of Individual and Collective
3. Balance of Force and Skill  
4. Positionless-ness
5. Human Alchemy
6. Make it Global
7. Gender Inclusive
8. No Barrier to Access
9. For the Outsider,the Other,and the Masses
10. Urban and Rural
11. Antidote to Isolation and Loneliness
12. Sanctuary
13. Transcendence

Hollander sees the principles as concepts humans can use as a roadmap for solving some of our most significant challenges. “There is no society that has ever been great that only solves the problems in front of our faces.” he said. The 13 principles are a way we can “get organized” for a brighter future.