
Copy of BBA News Detail aligned for Video pics

From the Athletic Department

Dave Miceli
Competitions for Fall sports begin this week. The athletes and coaches have been hard at work for a while and I am excited to see them compete. Homecoming Weekend is coming up September 23rd & 24th.

This month I share our sportsmanship aspirations.

As we gear up for the start of the sports season, please take a moment to reacquaint yourself with the SuperFan Seven. We take our athletic classrooms very seriously at Burr and Burton - it’s how we do things here.

The SuperFan Seven
  1. Show Up - There is no bigger game-time boost than a crowd of supportive fans.
  2. Cheer For Our Team - Encourage our athletes by celebrating their successes and asking them to dig deep in big moments.
  3. Honor the Game - The sport is bigger than each of us. Treat the moment with respect.
  4. Appreciate Our Opponents - The word compete means to “struggle with.” Without our opponent, there is no competition. Cheer for our team, never against an opposing team or an individual player.
  5. Support the Cause - Professional athletes are paid to perform for our entertainment. Education-based athletics are an extension of the classroom. Interscholastic athletes are here to develop our Core Values. Be patient while learning takes place. 
  6. Give the Officials Some Love - They do a thankless job and without them there is no competition. The pool of people willing to officiate continues to get smaller. Fan behavior is the number one reason given by officials who leave the game.
  7. Make Us Proud - Athletics is the front porch of the schoolhouse. It is often the first impression people have of our school. Long after you graduate it will be the easiest way to remain part of BBA.

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